VAT rate change for the hospitality, holiday accommodation and attractions industry

On 8 July 2020, the government announced that it would introduce a temporary reduced VAT rate of 5%...

National Insurance Increase - New Health and Social Care Levy

The government has announced today (7th September 2021) that it will be increasing National...

5 Bookkeeping Tips For Small Businesses – How To Get It Right

Whether you're a start-up firm, or own an established SME, it's crucial to keep your books in good...

Tax Efficient Ways to Reward Employees

The tax system has a number of employment-related exemptions built in. A few examples of some ways...

HMRC tools and calculators

HMRC have a number of useful tools and calculators on their wesbite listed at the link below;

Check if you might need to pay Inheritance Tax

HMRC have released a new tool ‘Check if you might need to pay Inheritance Tax’ to allow those...

David Howard - New Leatherhead Office!

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Leatherhead, through a merger with...

Outsourced Bookkeeping Services For Charities

All businesses and organisations need to maintain accurate and detailed financial records to ensure...

4 Benefits Of Outsourced Bookkeeping For Medical Practices

Bookkeeping is an important aspect of running any business or organisation but for medical...

Extended Corporation Tax Loss Carry Back

A reminder that the extended Corporation Tax Loss carry back measure announced in the Spring Budget...